
We Support Our Competitors with the TEKNOFEST Startup Program!

Within the scope of TEKNOFEST Aerospace and Technology Festival, a special TEKNOFEST Startup Program is organized for university and higher level team or team members who participated in the competitions organized within TEKNOFEST in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 under the management of T3 Startup Center.
In this context, two different support programs have been prepared for the teams who have a business idea they want to implement and who want to mature their idea and turn it into an startup with the support they will receive, the 100.000₺ grant supported Pre-Incubation Support Program and the 200.000₺ grant supported Acceleration Support Program for the teams that have already established a company with the projects they have developed.

Application Deadline: March 28, 2022!

CLICK for detailed information and application.